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We don't have foundations, we have roots

Grounding is as joyful a process as any I know. In fact, grounding – or rooting – yourself should be a primary practice, helpfully anchoring you in this constantly changing, chaotic world.
Discover how your own DNA teaches via the body and not the mind. Discover how your mind is always the last to know and that once quiet, how access to information about who you really are can flow.



For our light we cast our shadow

What a disaster: that this western world hasn't taught how to acknowledge shadow.

verb: the fearful, subconscious operator steering us without our knowing.
Through grounding, we get to discover our deepest roots and so rediscover ourselves through enquiry into shadow. Through integrating our shadows, we finally learn our gifts, and it's our gifts that we use "on purpose" in the manifestation of a life with innate meaning.


Masculine and feminine

Considered to be the most natural of dancers

But precisely who's leading that dance at any moment is a question offering a moments pause.

We are both masculine and feminine and are capable of being either or both at any one time. We can also be sovereign in choosing a course of action. But the fact we embody as many as 12 distinct archetypes (according to Carl Jung), any of which we might employ in any given situation, means it can be challenging to know exactly which one?
In taking a moment, we get to consider how best to act. And it's only then, in consideration of that action we soon discover that we're actually leading the dance.

Personal practice

Through practice we discover ourselves – daily

Practice, practice, practice.
But what exactly do we practice?
In meeting ourselves daily through the act of meditation, bod-led movement, or spending time immersed in nature, we practice meeting one of the most creative, intuitive, honourable and loving people we can imagine. We also get to meet our polar opposite: that shadow – the holder of long-forgotten gifts – those parts of us still waiting to be seen in this world.
Our greatest practice comes in meeting ourselves however we show up in life. And that most significant of approaches is always best discovered when meeting our true self in the now.
"If there's one thing I consider to be pretty much perfect, it's practising."



Imagine how life could be and manifest it.

Paradoxically, we create everything we see in front of us in relationship to its creation – we create our world from how we believe it looks, and then struggle with the resulting manifestation.
Essentially, if we can't see route, how can we create one.

It's our conditioning that has us see the world the way we do, and so, where do you see yourself in one year from now? And how do you hope to get there if you don't actually know where you're going?
Take a moment to think about that.
It requires a powerful, purposeful, defining vision to embark on a soul led journey, and we must take the time to get to know ourselves honestly if we wish to manifest a path with considerable meaning.
Do we really want to create from shadow?
Why not create in the light?


Nature's way

There's a natural way to align with your gifts, even if it seems "in paradox"

Nature has all the answers whether we like it or not, and it's always been that way.

We are nature in action and would be foolish to consider ourselves otherwise. our body, designed to be on this Earth – our spleenic instincts directing us – with our sacral centre (our gut) directly informing us.
At least, it should be that way.
So, if I was to tell you to relax because something much bigger than you is running this show, in both its seen (physical) and unseen (spiritual) forms. Would you believe me?

Nature, magically, has you covered, yet paradoxically, at the very same time, it's actually trying to kill you.

This is precisely why some people coast through life while others drag themselves, seemingly making a mess of things. It's a matter of perspective: no fear over aligned actions. But beware! Because there's a twist: without fear, how would we ever know what's good for us?

And so the paradox: but/and you were perfectly designed to be in nature's way.

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