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'It's in taking aligned action that we get to evolve – through fear.’


Here at Shamandala Coaching, I focus on the integration of shadows through archetypal energies and visioning – better known as soul journeying. And if you're unfamiliar with the term 'shadows', then consider them to be those parts of yourself you desperately want to hide – those aspects often considered flaws in our personality, usually described as sub-conscious conditioning or childhood trauma.

Of course, most people don't like to consider shadow even affects them, but then most never consider owning such damaging things in the first place. And yet, we all carry childhood trauma for the simple fact, it's a part of growing up – even if we are raised impeccably.


What most of us don't know, is that if not appropriately addressed, those darker  cyclical shadows are left to create the world we see in front of us.


‘And once known for its depths, the dark is surprising beautiful.’


Shadow exists in all of us. Sometimes manifesting as relatively benign cycles that need addressing. More often than not, though, they manifest as depression or anxiety, resulting in frustration, anger, nervousness, apathy, hopelessness, alcohol, drug, or even physical abuse. We soon become ill for the shame we feel, or at best, become undeniably stuck in less-than-impressive lives.
Our western world suffers from a lack of genuine connection, integration, creating a nursery of pain.

Many then suffer from a complete lack of progress and manage by simply coping. Others look to be doing "just fine" – those constantly busy or wealthy, the powerful or renowned – whether corporate, famous or honoured individuals. Yet few remain fit for purpose while running highly stressful businesses, working alone in bringing up kids, battling illness or loneliness, or even keeping up appearances. And even if they do manage reasonably well on the face of it, it's not uncommon for many to suffer crippling bouts of depression or anxiety, soon becoming volatile or unreachable and in danger of ruining relationships with friends, life partners and even their children.

Some manage to find a way that works for the majority of their life, only later suffering burnout, or perhaps they discover the crippling truth – that they've been a relentless people-pleaser most of their life. At worst, as a result of leaving those darker shadows unaddressed, we might even suffer full-blown disease for our trouble instead. Either way, we look at it, unless properly re-integrated, it's our shadow in the end that gets its way.
All of that suffering for the sake of undiscovered, unaddressed, or flatly denied trauma. Traumas that once integrated purposefully alchemise into lifelong, hidden gifts, the use of which always resulting in very different outcomes.
You may have noticed I forgot to mention two groups in the above paragraphs – those already on their way and those already transformed.
These are the people living responsibly, for themselves, in sovereignty for their choice in living a more connected, soul-led life.
​Many people are receiving profound gifts for taking the journey of a lifetime.
Isn't it time to receive yours?
Here you'll discover that through the illumination and following integration of personal shadow, you get to experience a profound release offering the deepest of gifts. Here you'll finally meet that much more profound, innately creative, joyous, loving human self.

It's here that you can discover your true purpose.

Shamanic medicine isn’t simply the oldest medicine on the planet, it's also our most integrated.


 The most astonishing journey is stored deep inside, and we're genetically predisposed to taking it.

We haven't yet learned how to honour our true nature in this fast-paced, modern, western society. We reach to father sky – the wisdom – grabbing with both hands first – not realising we've lost our grounding to a lifegiving mother Earth.

This is often true of our own, individual Journey and true of humanity's technical evolution – considering mind to be greater than body – our conscience considered even greater than spirit. But as we run to escape ourselves, our shadows simply manifest in front of us. For this is a world of paradox and polarity.

There's a dangerous imbalance in the world of humans at present. It's time we reintegrated the darkness of our roots – those powerful shadows – so that we might balance for our future generations while honouring the Journey of our lifegiving ancestors.



A little bit about me

 It truly is for each us: to one day arrive at ourselves – soul led."

My name's Paul Meccano – Pablo to my friends – I'm a coach, a maker, a father to three children, a science-fiction writer and a grower of herbs and vegetables. I have a dog called Sonny and a wife, that to this day remains my best friend.


Yet for a while – which isn't exactly all that long ago now – nothing seemed as simple, and even as an honest, loving, skilled and capable man, I learned how a reasonably stable life can crumble in one's hands. At that time, and even though I felt to be in some degree of control, I was grateful to learn I was being driven by something not entirely me – or better still – driven by something not quite as much me as I hoped it might have been. You see, just like most of us in this modern western world, I hadn't been taught the magic of truly being me – how to live in tune with myself, how to lead a soul led life. I hadn't been taught about reintegration after childhood, how best to unshackle the chains of "old story" in the creation of something new – something better. In truth, and just like the vast majority of people living whats described as an "outside in" western way of existing, I hadn't been shown how to live a responsible and fully sovereign, soul led life.


It turns out that arriving back to Self is actiually a soul led activity, an enquiry made truly on purpose,Yet it's also an enquiry, I've found personally, not for the faint hearted.

After all, that's evolution right there, isn't it: we must break through the almost imperceivable skin of fear that keeps us entombed in that ordinary life .


Evolving is as challenging without an idea on how, as climbing a mountain would be without a guide.


Hopefully, in the same way I found my own guides through enquiry, you might just have discovered your own guide in me, and remember, that although that mountain feels rocky right now, you'll soon discover the view to be quite magnificent.


I understand much better now the endless chaotic dynamics that life throws in our face. I also understand that unless we get to know ourselves top to toe, hand to hand and foot to foot, life always gets the better of us – everything else arrives to get in the way. I understand the simplicity of the body and mind now. I understand the inbuilt, evolutionary, soul-led Journey that was leading me heart first toward my dreams. I simply needed to be a part of it is all. I simply needed to align myself with the me I was born to be.


And yes, you, too, are having an as yet unrecognised, soul-led journey. One already leading you, heart-first towards your own astonishing destiny.


Would you like to own that?

Do you want to get on board with your own life – a life where you actually integrate then come fully alive? 

Okay – I hear you.


We should never forget that coaches have coaches. And that although love is passed down genetically to each of us, we maintain our deeper, human connection through teaching  that we are love, too. It's everything we're meant to do as humans. 

And where love isn't taught?  And where shadows are created through our percpetion of those that are meant to love us? 


Well, look, I'm only able to do this work for the help I received in evolving through my own shadows. And the way I see it: where people aren't given the support they need in taking that same Journey for themselves, I will be honoured to guide them.


It really is only a brave new world when we're ready for it to be. And you might have already discovered right here, that soul-led enquiry really is the only one worth making.

I promise that once known for its depths that crippling darkness you've felt, can at last evolve into something surprisingly beautiful.'


I can only feel into this work so thoroughly for the practice I maintain, and by holding close that which I consider to be a complicated, somewhat crippling past. 

Of course, it's no competition as we all have our personal stories to tell. I certainly wouldn't win if it were a competition. Yet, for each of us, we should remember our traumas will remain the traumas of a lifetime, and only through loving guidance – practice and self-enquiry – do we get to choose exactly how we show up in owning them.

We can choose to grow beyond them and evolve.


In the end, life proves over again that we are both night and day, up and down, success, and sometimes complete disaster. But I promise you will come to revel in that, because it's not about ridding ourselves of the darker parts – the Shadows as we've learned to call them. It's about illuminating those shadows and integrating them. Owning them, or, as I like to say, unfolding them into love.


If I could have explained the joy I've felt in coming home easier, I promise I would have. However, for arriving here and gifting yourself the time to discover more for yourself, I want to offer some of my time in response – so that you might arrive at an informed decision.


 Click the button below to receive the gift of a free introductory 1hr session. Simply Let me know your name, along with an email address for me to reply to.​


See it as a gift for taking the first step on your Journey of coming home. 

I'd be honoured to be your guide.

Pablo Meccano

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